The Baby Deltic Project

Welcome to the homepage of the BDP.  

Updates, news, etc., will be published in the 'News' page - see the link, above or below.

Donations to the Project can be made by following the instructions below; donations to the Project.

Returning visitors will know all about us and our aims, new visitors may like to browse the site starting with the 'About us' link, above.

Books now in stock

The new book has arrived!

We've collected our full print run of 1000 books this afternoon, so the wait is almost over. Work commitments will stop them being sent out until Friday but if you've bought one it should be with you early next week.

Many apologies for the delay and thanks for your patience - we hope that it was worth the wait.

D5910, seen at Barrow Hill Roundhouse, August 2022

Latest news

What's the latest on the project?
Click this button

Latest news

Remember that the ONLY place to get regular, accurate, unfettered news about the Baby Deltic Project is this website. Wherever else you see news - however it is presented - unless it's come from us then it's not likely to be accurate, also, bear in mind that a lot of websites are affiliated to Amazon, and other similar advert heavy providers and that by using them you provide income to them and not to the societies and groups they purport to support.

Click the link above for accuracy.......

Press and other similar enquires


For press or other similar enquiries - we will shortly be launching a press release page, the navigation to this will be in the website header. The contact button above does work and should be used in the meantime.


Donations to the project

Make a donation
To make a donation please click the link, you can make a donation as big or small as you like. 

Would you consider making a standing order donation to the Project? Standing orders (repeated donations) are a fantastic means of making a regular donation and they really help us build funds in a predictable way.

To make a standing order donation contact your bank in writing (if you bank electronically, or by telephone you can call or use your normal banking app / website) and use our bank details which are:

Account name: The Baby Deltic Project
Sort code: 40 19 15
Account number: 72535408

If you do this, please let us know (use the contact link above) so that we can account for the money and send you an acknowledgement.




Spend and raise is a website through which you can make online purchases with a percentage of the price going to the BDP.  There is NO ADDITIONAL cost to you and no forms to complete or other extra work.

Just click the link above, find the retailer from the list and start buying!
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