The Baby Deltic Project

Welcome to the homepage of the BDP.  

Updates, news, etc., will be published in the 'News' page - see the link, above or below.

Donations to the Project can be made by following the instructions below; donations to the Project.

Returning visitors will know all about us and our aims, new visitors may like to browse the site starting with the 'About us' link, above.


D5910 lottery - contribute towards the loco re-creation and enter a prize draw to win up to £250!

We've launched a lottery to raise funds to towards the re-creation of a Baby Deltic. Tickets are £10 per month and each month there will be a chance to win up to £250. Details are below, please consider entering the lottery to help speed the project along.

Existing standing order donors will automatically be entered into the lottery - please contact us if you do not wish to be entered automatically.

As the lottery progresses details of prizes and the funds raised will be published on the dedicated lottery page, see the link in the header above.

To buy a ticket to enter the Baby Deltic Lottery.

Set up a standing order to the Baby Deltic Project for £10 a month, see our bank details below.

Read the lottery rules below.

Click the button at the end of the rules to email us and tell us that you want to buy a ticket.

We will email you back to confirm your entry.

Thank you for supporting the Baby Deltic Project - good luck!

Bank Details: The Baby Deltic Project, HSBC Commercial Bank plc.

Sort code 40 19 15

Account number 72535408

Lottery rules.

1.     The lottery is run by the Baby Deltic Project (BDP) with the intent to raise funds towards the recreation of a Baby Deltic locomotive.

2.     The lottery is to be known as ‘The 5910 Lottery’ – reflecting the number of the recreated loco. The lottery is licenced with South Derbyshire District Council as required by the Gambling Act, 2005.

3.     There are a maximum of 59 tickets available at £10 each. If the lottery is over-subscribed a waiting list will be held. The ticket number of each entry is automatically generated by the BDP and cannot be changed.

4.     Entry is by starting and maintaining a standing order of £10 per month to the Baby Deltic Project. There is no limit to the number of tickets a person may buy, each ticket is £10. Entries may only be purchased via the BDP website and must include a notification to the BDP of the acceptance of these rules and also include an email address or telephone number. Payment for the ticket must be made at the latest by 18h00 on the Friday preceding the draw.

5.     Notification of entry, including the number of the ticket number will be by email within two days of purchase.

6.     Each £10 entry goes into the monthly lottery fund, there will be one prize per month and this will be 50% of the lottery fund, capped at a maximum of £250.

7.     The winning entry will be determined as the number drawn as the bonus ball in the UK National Lottery (“Lotto”) draw on the last Saturday of each month. The first draw will be 22 February 2025.

8.     The winner will be notified by email (or by telephone) by the Monday after the draw, the prize will be paid by electronic fund transfer to the winners bank account.

9.     In the event that no ticket matches the winning number the prize fund will rollover to the next draw. In the event that no ticket matches the winning number again, the prize fund will all go to the BDP and the fund will restart as described in 6 above.

10.   Existing standing order donors (as at 1 February 2025) will automatically hold one entry to the lottery, unless they opt-out for any reason. Opt-out may be notified by any reasonable contact method.

11.   The success of the lottery will be reviewed in September 2025 and thereafter every 12-months, the BDP reserves the right to suspend or cancel the lottery in the event that it is not deemed a success. Any person who holds an entry at this point will be offered the chance to cancel their standing order payment to the BDP.

12.   Other than by using the bonus ball as described in 7 above, there is no connection with the UK National Lottery (“Lotto”).

Confirm your lottery entry

D5910, seen at Barrow Hill Roundhouse, August 2022

Latest news

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Latest news

Remember that the ONLY place to get regular, accurate, unfettered news about the Baby Deltic Project is this website. Wherever else you see news - however it is presented - unless it's come from us then it's not likely to be accurate, also, bear in mind that a lot of websites are affiliated to Amazon, and other similar advert heavy providers and that by using them you provide income to them and not to the societies and groups they purport to support.

Click the link above for accuracy.......

Press and other similar enquires


For press or other similar enquiries - we will shortly be launching a press release page, the navigation to this will be in the website header. The contact button above does work and should be used in the meantime.


Donations to the project

Make a donation
To make a donation please click the link, you can make a donation as big or small as you like. 

Would you consider making a standing order donation to the Project? Standing orders (repeated donations) are a fantastic means of making a regular donation and they really help us build funds in a predictable way.

To make a standing order donation contact your bank in writing (if you bank electronically, or by telephone you can call or use your normal banking app / website) and use our bank details which are:

Account name: The Baby Deltic Project
Sort code: 40 19 15
Account number: 72535408

If you do this, please let us know (use the contact link above) so that we can account for the money and send you an acknowledgement.




Spend and raise is a website through which you can make online purchases with a percentage of the price going to the BDP.  There is NO ADDITIONAL cost to you and no forms to complete or other extra work.

Just click the link above, find the retailer from the list and start buying!
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