News, 17 June 2022

The Baby Deltic Project • 17 June 2022

News, 17 June 2022

Each shift which takes place now sees real progress and after so much time spent underneath the loco or bent over a fabrication on the floor it's a pleasant change to be able to work whilst standing up. Seen below are the Second Man's side droplight and quarterlight being test fitted. They've been given a cursory clean and will probably end up being replaced with new. After all the work undertaken on the cab and having replaced the whole of the cabside superstructure and sheeting it's always rewarding when two things which haven't changed drop straight back in again.

Not much to look at, and difficult to 'place' if you don't know the loco but this is the cab footstep. The two new spacer plates visible at the back are to allow the handbrake linkage to stand off from the back of the step to clear the linkage bearing. These will drilled through so that the linkage can be installed in a couple of weeks.

CAD images seem to be in vogue at the moment, so here's a couple more. The first one is obvious - it's a Headcode Disc assembly. We've got all the discs and the pivot mechanisms but we haven't got the upper and lower retaining fixtures so these will need to be cast shortly.

Also needing to be cast are the Warning Horn grilles - one at each end and stupidly, but prototypically, mounted just above the Second Man's side buffer.

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