This week's update is not fascinating but will lead to fascinating photos on next week's.......
The Main Generator is now uncoupled and ready for lifting out next week. It, and the Auxiliary Generator, are going on holiday to Bowers Electricals for an overhaul. As previously mentioned the Main Generator is only supported at one end (the outer-end) with the drive shaft rigidly connected to the engine output shaft. The upshot of this is that the armature is unsupported once the engine is disconnected, this loads up the bearing in a manner which is wasn't designed for and doesn't do the armature and field coils (which would be in contact with each other now) any good either. I've seen all manner of straps and Heath Robinson arrangements over the years so here's a photo of a decent armature support bracket to counteract the bad vibes.
Possibly my favourite component so far? The cant rail grille. There's only one of them and this one's a complete dummy - the real thing was for an air supply to the steam generator (see below) but as we won't be having a steam generator this will do nothing about from sit on the roof and look like a masterpiece of CAD modelling, laser cutting and fabrication.