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More nose end detail

The Baby Deltic Project • Jul 09, 2022

9 July 2022, more nose end detail

The ladders seen in last weeks' update have now been offered up to confirm their position on the nose end. Also to be seen in the photo below is a headcode disc similarly offered up for position. Both of these will be more permanently attached in due course, obviously.

Some of the few parts reused from the donor loco are these; the tail light assemblies. Seen below prior to any work....

......and below after removal of decades old paint. Seems almost a shame to have to paint them again.

The tail lamps and the similar marker lights sit in these pockets (below). These are new and fabricated from steel. The originals are aluminium but couldn't be reused because the nose profile is different enough to make it difficult to fit them satisfactorily.

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