Many, many thanks for the donations sent to us as a result of last week's update - very gratefully received and much appreciated - you are stars, thank you.
Only a small update this week but a good one nonetheless. This photo shows the loco after the buffer valance has been undercoated - the effect of everything being the same colour is astonishing.
One of our most frequently asked questions - apart from the obvious two - is 'have you got the engine / where is it?' The following two photos answer both quite nicely. The power unit (engine and generator set) is installed in the loco and has been since July 2021. Facing the number 2 end of the loco is the main generator with the auxiliary generator mounted above it. The large casting on the walkway to the right is the top section of the generator adapter - see last week's update for details of why it's been removed.
At the other end (facing number 1 end of the loco) is the engine itself. Working from left to right the following can be seen here; (top, painted black) governor; (below it) 'AB' bank crankcase; (light grey paint) air intake; (underneath 'AB' crankcase) A bank exhaust elbow; B bank exhaust elbow; (between the two visible elbows) turbocharger; turbo blanking plate c/w sad face. The face is sad because the loco's not finished. To help finish the loco with a donation, please follow the link below.