News, 20 June 2020

The Baby Deltic Project • 20 June 2020

News, 20 June 2020

Not much of note to report this period. I've been busy updating the 'as built' models on CAD which can be a nightmare at times. The full loco model is so large it really slows down my computer so that manipulating the image on screen is a drag. The get round this (in part) I've kept the bogies separate which is why they appear in outline only on the drawing below. The model in the arrangement shown is used primarily for gauging; the '1055' is the buffer centreline height above the running rail, the standard loco height. This enables me to check that everything is clear underneath and that the vehicle gauge is observed all round.

Having a CAD model will make (real) gauge clearance far easier when it comes to route acceptance for when the loco is rail moved to galas, etc., in the future.

A screenshot of the model is on the second photo - the very obvious planes in the model are a lazy man's means of establishing and maintaining centres and provide an easy way of joining six minor models (two cabs, an underframe, two bogies and the body together so that they fit.....).
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