There are still a very limited number of places on the visit to Barrow Hill to see D5910 'in build' - details are here if you're interested. Details are here if you're interested or not, but you know what I mean.....
Work since the last update has been on the cab sides at no. 1 end. Last week's update showed the skins removed having been tacked on ages ago for effect. They've since been fully welded on and the sequence below shows the detail which goes into finishing them off.
Apart from a seam at the front, the panel is welded on from inside the cab against a pre-formed framework.
The paint which has been damaged by welding is removed as are other surface imperfections.
A coat of primer is added to seal the surface.....
....before a thin scraping of filler is added to restore the surface finish.
Finally, for now, another coat of primer is added over the filler to reseal the surface.
The final bit of work his week has been the no. 1 end driver's side buffer surround. This is now tacked on and looking good. Just the tumblehome to form which will be done next week.