News, 18 March 2023

The Baby Deltic Project • 18 March 2023

News, 19 March 2023

The cabsides at no. 1 end were only tacked on so the appearance of a (more or less) complete bodyside was a myth. In what appears to be a retrograde step the cabsides were removed yesterday in readiness for permanent fixing next week. The metal was already renewed and the cabsides themselves were new too so it's not an onerous task to grind the tacks off and reweld them. The photo below, taken before the addition of the lower edge reinforcements to stop the tumblehome from deforming, show the bare framework with the edges of the frame ground clean to allow the panel to be welded back on.

Two of the cab to engine room doors have been stripped back and repainted, seen here in primer.

Using only Flash bathroom cleaner, the inside of the control cubicle has cleaned up remarkably well. Once we're certain if any of the internal bracketry will need altering or moving, the cubicle will be painted inside and out ready for reinstallation.

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