News, 24 September 2021

The Baby Deltic Project • 24 September 2021

News, 24 September 2021

Back at work now after the Beer Festival and attention turns to the cabs once more. The hardboard inner roof is a silly idea - it burns well and provides no sound insulating quality at all. This was OK in the 1960s but it's not really fit for purpose now. We will replace it with perforated aluminium and a foam insulation as is commonly used on modern locos and some life-extension locos of a similar generation to this. The MCB arrangement is for the lighting circuits and is excellent at catching the top of your head, they will be moved to somewhere more convenient when the cabs are rebuilt. the switch panel will also go, to be replaced by one more accurate (like on the early Class 40s) for a Baby Deltic.

The photo below shows the underside of the cab roof after the removal of the hardboard seen above. The bracket in the centre of the photo is one of two added by BR when NRN radios were added in the 1990s.

History keeps throwing itself at us, a reminder of the original loco is seen here on the reverse of two of the trim strips which helped to hold the inner roof in place. 6859 was the as-built loco number, 2 is no. 2 end and RH is right hand.

Finally for this update a nice three-quarter shot of the loco back inside with all but the cooler group tarpaulins off.

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