A demonstration of a basic understanding of CAD/CAM techniques once again this week with the delivery of a new bracket for the loco underframe.
This bracket sits between the (new) fuel tank and (new, dummy) CWA tank and supports part of both. Designed to look broadly like the original Baby Deltic bracket but with modifications to ease its installation and manufacture. The bracket is welded to the longitudinal underframe structure but from the outside of the underframe as opposed to the inside on a Cl. 37. The bracket on a Cl. 37 is annoyingly in the wrong place by about 350mm so was cut off ages ago.
The new, shiny bracket is seen having been offered up and, once the weld prep. has been added, is ready for installation.
The lower edges are not quite coincident in the photo below, don't write in - they will be once installed properly!
Continuing where we left off last week, the other (no. 1 end) cab inner roof has been removed, the before / after shots below are fascinating.