News, 27 May 2021

The Baby Deltic Project • 27 May 2021

News, 27 May 2021

'Social media' is a trap. In order to chase the ratings of (usually) non-contributory supporters the world often is full of pleasing, self-congratulatory images inviting emoticons and GIFs of congratulation.

Not here. For weeks and weeks now two people have given freely of their time in pursuit of something they desire. They have done it in the cold, dark and highly unpleasant location seen below. This is a common theme across the restoration world and by no means unique to us but I haven't got any photos of anyone else.

Here's three photos, one of an unidentifiable man holding a big, heavy grinder, one of another unidentifiable man holding a welding torch and one of a Dye-Pen weld test.

Not a single person will be able to see the work when it's complete and no-one will care that it's been done.

Gas-cut frame sections being dressed, welded up and NDT tested.
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