News, 11 October 2019

The Baby Deltic Project • 11 October 2019

The same nose end floor as shown in last week's update is now shiny with dark grey undercoat (right).

All the preparatory work on the lower sections of this end nose is now complete, the next stages will be to finish the top of the nose structure and then move back into the cabs to finish the under-floor parts.

The other nose end is about two shifts behind this one and the final photo in this week's update (below) shows the platework variously complete (left hand side as you look at it) and tacked in (right hand side) waiting to be seamed up next week.  Paint will follow bringing no. 2 end up to the same high standard as no. 1.

News, 11 October 2019

A sea of green now covers the no. 1 end of the engine room floor (left).

Having had the brackets and extraneous parts removed then laboriously cleaned and de-greased the floor is almost ready for the equipment to be placed prior to a final decision on where to put it.

Although the new design is almost complete in CAD form, nothing is better than dropping something into place before new bracketry, etc., is fabricated and welded into position.

We are aware of the designers refrain that "it fits on the drawing" and are keen not to fall foul.
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