News, 20 January 2023

The Baby Deltic Project • 20 January 2023

Thoughts on fundraising, 20 January 2023


I'll start by paying tribute and saying thanks to the small number of people who are kind enough to donate money to the Project on a regular basis. The amounts vary but they are consistent and they are very helpful indeed - knowing that money is coming in regularly helps us plan the spending and is a major factor in the overall timescale for the loco's recreation.

If anyone feels that they could make a regular donation (a standing order) to the Project we'd be very grateful. In the 'old days' this was usually set up by completing a form and sending it to your bank by post - such a form still exists and is on this website. The more modern users can set a regular donation up directly with their bank by contacting them by telephone, online or on their banking app.

The details you will need are:

Beneficiary: The Baby Deltic Project

Bank: HSBC

Sort code: 40 19 15

Account number: 72535408

A regular donation may also be made via Paypal, but, they charge a monthly fee from the privilege so we don't receive all of the money from your donation. Thanks in advance.

Visits to see the loco.

We are considering ways of raising money by offering rewards to people for their donation. One of the thoughts so far is to sell a visit to Barrow Hill to see the loco in detail and take photos / videos of the parts unseen by general visitors. There will also be the opportunity to meet people involved in the recreation and see a presentation of the work done so far. The visit would last around four hours and would include breakfast / a light lunch.

If we go ahead with this visit as a straw poll how many people would be interested, the visits are likely to be mid-week and would be pitched at around £100 per person.

Let me know what you think here - no commitments either way!

Visit to Barrow Hill to see D5910 during the build

Since the last update we've been finishing off the bogie footsteps and the grilles. In order to fit the footsteps it's been necessary to remove the existing brake cylinder air pipework. It was old and rusty anyway so it was always going to happen.

The footstep mountings (below) had their position set using a jig (not shown). This set the vertical and horizontal location and also the distance apart for each side. Once the brackets were tacked into place the step was bolted on so that the brackets could be fully welded without distortion. The laser level also confirms the position of the steps relative to the cab door.

One of the grilles (below) having had all the welding completed waits ready for the weather to warm up so it can be painted.

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