News, 23 July 2021

The Baby Deltic Project • 23 July 2021

News, 23 July 2021

After a collosal amount of work over the previous three months the bogies were installed to the loco yesterday.

The underframe has had all the superflous bracketry, clamps and attachments removed followed by a detailed three-stage cleaning programme and then painting. Predominantly the work of one man.

The jacking process is very quick and easy. One of the difficulties of using a donor underframe is that the jacking points are not in the correct place for the 'new' loco. Unable to use the donor lifting points because, well, we'd cut them off to allow the new bogie brake cylinders to fit, we had to use an alternative point. While this is perfectly strong enough and just about in the right place the jack anvil fouled the body tumblehome which necessitated the use of 40mm thick steel packers between the jack and the loco. These only just fitted without fouling the remaining superstructure so they needed careful alignment. In the real work you wouldn't tolerate this but as we're not going to lift the loco often it is an acceptable solution.

With the loco in the air the bogies were rolled under and the loco lowered down again, the photo below shows the loco after the jacks had been removed.

The gallery below shows a series of photos from the installation and starts with the side bearers, freshly painted and never to be seen again.

  • Side bearers

  • Jacked up and ready

  • Jacked up and ready

    Jacked up and ready

  • Clean and shiny underframe

    Clean and shiny underframe

  • Clear path all the way through

    Clear path all the way through

  • Almost under

    Almost under

  • Going in

    Going in

  • Ready to lower the loco

    Ready to lower the loco

  • Donate money


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