(Below) The loco outside in the sun for the first time in over a year with the VDA behind which has held the PU safe, dry and secure for some considerable time.
(Below) With the roofs already removed from the VDA and loco, chains attached to the generator and engine lifting points, two BDP personnel keep a close eye on a potential pinch point at the generator end of the PU. A tape measure malfunction (mine) when the PU was stored in the VDA years ago necessitated a slight shift away from the roof once the weight had been taken on the crane hook.
(Below) Two photos of the PU coming out of the VDA.
(Below) The PU in the air for the first time in a few years as the loco is shunted underneath it.
(Below) Almost in, the PU in the final stages of being lowered into the loco. Four people had 'eyes on' this part of the installation, two are not visible at the far end.
(Below) The engine end mounting pads were already tacked into position, the generator end pads weren't attached at all to allow them to be aligned perfectly with the engine in place. This picture shows the PU in position and the lifting equipment disconnected.
(Below) Two of the BDP personnel were unable to attend this shift, the ones who did are represented below - they know who they are and they know what I think of them, thanks.
And finally, did it all get aligned OK? Yes, yes it did.