News, 8 March 2024

The Baby Deltic Project • 8 March 2024

News, 8 March 2024

Regular visitors to the website will recall the 'placing' of the top compressor in the loco for space / weight purposes. You will also recall that the compressor and its mounting were 180 degrees out and that the bottom compressor was missing. Both of these have been corrected as seen in the photo below. Still not fixed in any way, except by the constant force of gravity, both compressors are in more-or-less the right location and precisely the right orientation.

In a shift which involved plenty of lifting and the removal of all three roofs at various points during the day, the control cubicle was placed at no. 2 end of the loco. As with the compressors and exhausters it's not secured in any way, in fact, it's still on the wheels which were tacked to the bottom of it to allow it to be moved around the workshop when it was out of the loco. See here sited about 750mm away from its proposed location, it will form the partition between the cab and the engine room - standard EECo practice and, frankly, a silly idea with negative implications for noise / dirt ingress / fire performance and so on.

Never miss the opportunity for a photo of the loco.

With the newly-primed roof for the no. 2 ('electric') end very visible, D5910 is seen on a rare occasion outside the Roundhouse.

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