When's the loco going to be finished?

The Baby Deltic Project • 16 June 2023

So, when then?

Without any doubt and up against very little competition our most frequently asked question is 'when's it going to be finished?'

The answer is always the same; that we don't and won't commit, even to a guess at a date, because it's almost impossible to keep to it. There's a massive difference between a professionally-funded project with a programme / Gantt chart and loads of resource and what amounts to a hobby. We are very much the latter......

Here's two examples of where the time goes. The first photo is the control cubicle. Obviously there's no specific requirement to take it back to bare metal and fully repaint it, but there is a need to clean it thoroughly. Also, it needs to be modified (only a bit, for different control equipment) so actually it's no greater effort to take it back properly.

One man has done all of the work on the cubicle so far, hours of it.

The second photo shows the almost complete arrangements for the headcode discs. Every part sets the position for every other part (no drawings exist), the position of the catch at the top (made by us, no originals exist) is set by the position of the disc (made by us, not enough spares exist (they are different to Class 20)). The disc position is set by the alignment of the hole for the lens (exactly central to the 'bulls-eye' in the lamp assembly. The disc position sets the location of the disc hinge mountings (made by us). The aperture for the lamp pockets is set by the position of the lamps in the nose end door. The lamp pockets are different to Class 37 ones (the nose profile is different) the lamp pockets are (you guessed it) made by us.

So, build the aperture (frame) for the nose end doors, align the doors, drill the hinge mounting holes, line the headcode lamp pockets up, cut the pockets out, fit the lamps, line the disc up, mark off the position of the catches. Repeat until complete.

Yes, I know that that's a tail light in the lamp in the photo - it was just the one I happened to have to hand, they're the same in all other respects to the clear lens of the headcode.

No ones complaining, we do this because we want to not because we have to.

But, it'll be finished when it's finished.

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